frequently asked question
  • Q
    Inconsistent brightness efficiency of the module configuration file.
    Possible Causes:
    1. Program issues with the receiving card.
    2. Different brightness efficiency of the module configuration files.

    Troubleshooting :
    1. Restore factory settings in the software.
    2. Adjust the program to a uniform brightness efficiency.
  • Q
    Inconsistent brightness of the receiving card.
    Possible Causes:
    1. Inconsistent versions of the receiving card program.
    2. Different brightness values of the receiving card.
    3. Different gamma values of the receiving card.
    4. Hardware problems with the receiving card.

    Troubleshooting :
    1. Upgrade to a unified version of the program.
    2. Resend the brightness values of the receiving card in the software.
    3. Resend the gamma values in the software.
    4. Replace the receiving card.